Art > Books > Droga Na Dziki Zachód / Wieslaw Dymny



Dymny / Droga Na Dziki Zachód



Wieslaw Dymny, 1936-1978

This is the second book Sawka illustrated for Dymny. It is a very dramatic description of the post-WWII forced relocation of millions of Poles from the Eastern territories annexed by the Soviet Union.  Dymny was a survivor of these relocations.  “Droga na Dziki Zachod” (The Journey to the Wild West) was probably intended to become a film script, however, there was no chance for it to be made into a film, as the topic of the story was politically taboo at that time. In post-war Polish literature “Droga na Dziki Zachod” remains one of the most chilling and true accounts of this traumatic time, an unfortunately universal experience in many parts of our troubled world to this day.




All artworks/images copyright Jan Sawka Estate