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The Grateful Dead 25th Anniversary Concert Set



Meadowlands, NJ, July 1989 - Photo: Neil Trager

Sets for the 25th Aniversary 88-concert tour of the Grateful Dead throughout the U.S., 1989-1991. They included: 52 banners painted in acrylic and dyes on canvas; 22 spare banners used for variations of the set, and a lighting system consisting of 380 color instruments, base tracks mounted on moving scaffolds, 120 lights installed on the face and within the structure of the set, four lighting batteries with rotating filters, and two computers sychronizing180 defferent lighting changes.

Banners: Ronald V. Strang/Superior Backing Studios, Hollywood; set engineering: Ian Knight Studio, Hollywood; lighting design/computer sychronization: Candice Brightman/The Grateful Dead Productions.

-excerpt from Visions of Color and Light by Frank Fox
Print Magazine L:III May/June 1996 p.104-105

Greek Theater, Berkeley, CA, September, 1989 - Photo: Bill Smythe

Cal Expo, Sacramento, CA, April 1990 - Photo: Ken Friedman

Foxboro, MA, June 1989 - Photo: Neil Trager



Grateful Dead set, 1989 (set created for the band's '89 U.S. Summer tour; painted by Ronald V.Strang, Superior Backings, Hollywood, California; built by Ian Knight Studio, Hollywood, California) dye-colored banners and screens 144' x 67'

Grateful Dead set, 1989


Grateful Dead set, 1989




All artworks/images copyright Jan Sawka Estate